27 September 2016 2 8K Report

Without performing experimental characterization such as GPC based on the known quantities such as moles of monomers and monofunctional reactant (end-capper) can i assume the following is correct to calculate the number average (Mn)?

r = N_a / (N_b + 2 N^m_b) where N_a and N_b are stoichiometrically equal and the monofunctional reactant is  N^m_b

X_n = (1 + r)/(1-r)

thus M_n = X_n(M_0) where M_0 is the mean molecular mass of the repeat unit

For instance, if the moles of monomer A and B are 0.045 mmol and the mono functional reactant is 0.002 mmol and i divide all values by Avogadro's number

r is then approximately 0.9 and such X_n is approximately 20.2

11 multiplied by the mean molecular mass (1708 g/mol)

therefore the M_n is approximately 34.5 kDa

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