Hi Anelia - Best wishes for your project. A few thoughts.
1. Make sure that you have the full support of the school's leadership team.
2. Think hard about working principles - you might adopt a particular framework e.g. Think of yourself working as a 'Professional Learning Community' or 'Community of Practice'.
3. Negotiate very tight/clear project objectives.
4. Think hard about allowing sufficient time for teachers to work together in the planned ways (try to avoid making it 'yet another thing')
5. Consult the best practice research on team teaching and effective professional learning.
All quite general but I hope that these thoughts help.
Elaborarea unui Plan de promovare cu o echipă responsabilă.
Prioritizarea acțiunilor și activităților astfel încât să atragă.
Feedback eficient pentru rapoartele fiecărui profesor și întâlniri periodice pentru prezentări în grupul de lucru.
Fiecare profesor să-și prezinte realizările săptămânal în fața celorlalți (sau în fața comunității), valorizând permanent aspectele pozitive și prezentând măsuri de îmbunătățire pentru obstacolele întâmpinate.
I think benchmarking best practices in the field of your interest is a good way to start. I was certain there are studies you can utilize in your work. I found the following research items:
1) Zeivots, S., Buchanan, J.D. & Pressick-Kilborn, K. Pre-service teachers becoming researchers: the role of professional learning groups in creating a community of inquiry. Aust. Educ. Res. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-022-00589-2, Open access: Article Pre-service teachers becoming researchers: the role of profe...
2) A case - study: Berglund, H. Biology teachers’ collaborative experiences: benefits and difficulties in different contexts in relation to perceived value. Cult Stud of Sci Educ 17, 1089–1113 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11422-022-10127-2, Open access: Article Biology teachers’ collaborative experiences: benefits and di...
3) Loes de Jong, Jacobiene Meirink, Wilfried Admiraal, School-based collaboration as a learning context for teachers: A systematic review, International Journal of Educational Research, Volume 112, 2022,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2022.101927. Open access: Article School-based collaboration as a learning context for teacher...
4) Lysberg, J. (2023), "Unpacking capabilities for professional learning: teachers’ reflections on processes of collaborative inquiry in situated teamwork", Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 35 No. 1, pp. 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1108/JWL-01-2022-0008, Free access: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JWL-01-2022-0008/full/pdf?title=unpacking-capabilities-for-professional-learning-teachers-reflections-on-processes-of-collaborative-inquiry-in-situated-teamwork
5) Qi, C., Cao, C. & Huang, R. Teacher Learning Through Collaboration Between Teachers and Researchers: a Case Study in China. Int J of Sci and Math Educ 21, 93–112 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-021-1024, Free access: Article Teacher Learning Through Collaboration Between Teachers and ...
Hope you all the best with your project! Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
Hello Again. Further to my first post on this topic, the following references are likely to be helpful:
Busher, H. (2006). Creating cultures: Facilitating engagement. In Understanding educational leadership: People, power and culture (pp. 82-102). England: Open University Press.
Fullan, M. (1993). The complexity of the change process. In Change forces: Probing the depths of educational reform (pp. 19-41). London: Falmer.
Harris, A. (2004). Distributed Leadership and School Improvement. Leading or Misleading? Sage Publications.
Harris, A. (2008). Distributed school leadership: Developing tomorrow’s leaders. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Siguroardatti, A. (2010). Professional Learning Community in Relation to School effectiveness, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research Series 5, 395 – 412. doi 10.1080/00313831.2010.508904
Stoll, L., & Seashore-Louis, K. (2007). Professional Learning Communities: Divergence, Depth and Dilemmas. New York: Open University Press.