The formula given in documents and research papers are for 2 port MIMO antenna(i.e. between port 1 and 2).
You have to plot different curves between two different ports. For this you have to convert your formula for calculating parameter according to the ports. Suppose in case of 4 port MIMO, you will have to calculate ECC12, ECC13, ECC14 and so on.
For MIMO antenna systems in one side of a communication system you purposely consider the transmit antenna array and the receive antenna array.
Say you have MtxMr system.
Then you have Mt transmit ports and Mr receive ports.
It is required that the Mt antennas ideally isolated from each other with zero transmission coefficient. The same hold for the receive antenna array.
So, it is required that the the interaction be between the transmit and the receive antenna.
The Mt and Mr antennas are coupled by the wireless communication channel with transmission coefficient hij with i denotes the receive antenna and j the transmit antenna.
As for the interaction among the transmit or the receive antenna this what do you search for.
For this you apply a signal to any port and measure the signal appearing in the other ports. Also you have to consider that Snm= Smn where m is the output port and the n is the input port.
As an example assume that you have Nt antennas with 4 ports.
Then you measure S21,S31 and S41, S32,S42, S43.
For more information please follow the paper in the link:
Article Design of a Planar MIMO Antenna for LTE-Advanced
In CST go to post processing then result template tool in that select far field and antenna properties then select diversity and correlation(from s parameter) in that select port( for eg port 1 and port2) it will give ECC21
Normally ECC should be calulated from Farfield patterns:
Go to post processing, Farfield antenna propetries, Farfield results, Select MIMO Envelope Correlation Coefficient, Select All Settings, Top Left go to browse result and select 1, Then on right hand side click on MIMO tab and in Second farfield result again click on browse result and select second antenna. Ok and then evaluate.
Pradnya Amrish Gajbhiye I think you cant do it in CST. If you have found any method, can you share it please I am also struggling in finding these values.