Currently this accuracy is close to 30-40 centimeter. Further it needs to be improved. What are the different improvement algorithms / techniques which are available if any body know pl. share your research.
If moving object has to discover its location I'd use phase shift analysis using 3 or 4 radio low frequency stationary wave sources.
If the system should localize objects, they should have radio source (Bluetooth?) attached, then three or four stationary receivers ought analyse phase shift.
briefly: "PhaseNet (also branded as ZuluTime in the commercial/consumer sector) uses any wireless network as the location network PhaseNet uses the communications emanating from these devices within the network to measure the distance between the same devices/nodes. This is quite similar to how GPS works outdoors, but with each node functioning as a pseudo GPS satellite." My understanding is that under normal circumstances it substantailly beats the 30-40 cm location you'd expect.
I believe that Patent No. US 07876266 Issue Date Jan 25, 2011
Your question is very general. I do not know if you are talking of a system that detects objects (using cameras, laser, RGBD...) or you are talking about something similar to a robot that calculates its position in the environment using sensory information.
The best result for the indoor localization is obtained using Ultra Wideband technology (2cm) because it is not affected by the obstacles and the ground effects etc.