Many researchers and scientists are in confusion about judging the quality of a journal. Mere impact factor cannot measure all performance indicators of a journal. The following 5 indicators measure the total performance matrix of a journal. Please add your suggestions and answers, so that any new researchers may find it useful to judge the exact performance of a journal in a field.

My answer: The quality, reputation, reach, and acceptability of the journal can be measured using 5 major indices. Please check these indices before communicating to a journal, and one measure alone cannot provide a full picture of the impact of the journal. The measures in the order of priority and its physical interpretations are briefed as follows;

Pr.No#Measure#####Represents#Agency####Why this measure?

1.###Imp. Factor###Quality#####Thom. Rts.#Widely accepted quality measure

2.###SJR#########Reputation##Scopus####Reputation of a journal

3.###SNIP########Acceptability#Scopus####Acceptability of journal in a field

4.###H- Index######Reach#######Google####Likelihood of getting citations if published

5.###CiteScore#####Quality#######Scopus###Alternate to Impact factor but considering a large database of journals.

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