
Authors used to use this equation:

Area of flag leaf = length of flag leaf × width of flag leaf in its middle × 0.95

And they referred to these references:

Thomas, H. 1975. The growth response of weather of simulated vegetative swards of single genotype of Lolium perenne. The Journal of Agricultural Science. 84: 333-343.DOI: 10.1017/S0021859600052485


Thomas, T. C. 1975. Visual quantification of wheat development. Agronomy Journal. 65: 116-119.

And actually, last one is belong to:

Haun, J. R. (1973) Visual quantification of wheat development. Agronomy Journal, 65, 116-119. DOI: 10.2134/agronj1973.00021962006500010035x

PLEASE; if this equation is right! I need to reach to the full text of any article which confirms this equation.

Best regards


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