Hello, I have been trying to obtain a single point using DLPNO-CCSD(T) but in some cases, I have obtained the following error:
"ORCA finished by error termination in MDCI
Calling Command: mpirun -np 28"
I must mention that using this same methodology I have been successful with other calculations for nickel complexes, but in some cases when the number of atoms is greater this is the recurring message. Although SCF convergence is achieved. Does anyone know what this message refers to? Thanks in advance.
My input is:
# avogadro generated ORCA input file
# Basic Mode
! DLPNO-CCSD(T) def2-TZVPP def2-TZVPP/C TightSCF NormalPNO
%maxcore 9640
nprocs 28
MaxIter 1500
MaxIter 100
* xyz 0 1