I am currently doing PhD Research study on contract theory , I am from MBA background so i don't have very high knowledge of mathematical economics and game theory .... kindly advice how can I move forward.
This is a commendable topic. You may want to consult a bit of history on contract theory. A starting point would be the theories of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, and the criticisms launched by David Hume against them.
In regards to economics, you should not miss the contribution of F. Edgeworth, who has bequeated the analysis of contract theory, contract-curves etc to mathematical economics. I say that you should consult his very readable book "Mathematical Psychics" where he gave clear definitions on this subject, and afterwards, you can consult mathematical economics texts that handle this topic in modern literature. You may want to have a chapter on General Equilibrium economics where you can discuss "core theory" such as that the Walrasian equilibrium for an economy is a limit point in the Core. Good luck in you studies.
thanks sir for the input, and do i need to know game theory really well for research in this area , if yes which book or material u feel i can understand well in this regard.
It is possible to do contract analysis without game theory. I attach some current references that you can look up. In general, it is difficult to recommend books to you as I do not know the level of your background. I recommend you browse the game and economic sections of a good library to find books that you can read.
1. Ross M Starr, "General Equilibrium Theory: An Intorduction." Cambridge Press, 1997.
2. Bryan Ellickson. "Competitive Equilibrium: Theory and Applications. Cambridge Press. 1993.
3. Hal Varian. "Microeconomic Analysis." W. W, Norton & Company, 1978 or later editions.