I used NWChem to calculate hyperfine coupling constant as follows:
Hyperfine Interactions
Total Spin Density (Fermi Contact Term)
------------------ --------------------
Atom x y z Density (a.u.) Aiso(MHz) Aiso(Gauss)
1 14-N -5.40277 -2.13248 9.71067 -0.000101 -0.032739 -0.011682
The output section contains above information and later on it shows anisotropic interaction as follow:
Anisotropic Interaction (Spin-Dipolar Term)
Atom x y z
1 14-N -5.40277 -2.13248 9.71067
Spin-Dipolar term (a.u.)
xx yy zz xy xz yz
-0.000423 -0.000610 0.001033 0.000422 -0.001299 -0.000812
Principal Comp. of -hf- tensor (au) Anisotropic -hfcc- (MHz) Anisotropic -hfcc- (Gauss)
-0.001192 -0.000911 0.002102 -0.045957 -0.035118 0.081075 -0.016399 -0.012531 0.028930
Orientation of the principal axis of Hyperfine Tensor w.r.t absolute (molecular) frame
0.828572 -0.296088 -0.475185
0.151180 0.935514 -0.319309
0.539086 0.192732 0.819903
Can anyone have idea about these results?