At first ... the concept of performance appraisal . Performance Appraisal Concept
There were many concepts that refer to the evaluation of performance, some went back to the process of analyzing the performance of employees to their work and their behavior in it and to measure their fitness and efficiency in the advancement of the current jobs they occupy and assume their responsibilities and the possibility of assuming positions of higher level ... Some linked between performance evaluation and efficiency and effectiveness The performance evaluation process involves the task of identifying, measuring and managing staff in the organization ...
While others described it as a "formal system for measuring and evaluating the impact on the characteristics of the individual performance and behavior and trying to identify the possibility of repeating the same performance and behavior in the future to benefit the individual and the organization and the community." Some defined it as "an objective measure of the size of the achievement, (And some tend to be described) as an important activity of human resources activities aimed at ascertaining the extent to which the individual working in the organization performs its work effectively ... During which the determination of the efficiency of the performance of workers for their work) .
Use varied assessment procedures while juicing your teaching methods with innovative I.C.T. tools making the teaching and learning processes interesting.
To develop the academic performance of the undergraduate students, we must take into account the future of the graduate student and the fields of his work, and thus the formulation of educational curricula again according to the goals set, and we have to develop university professors by engaging them in development courses in the field of specialization. Raise the level of education for students in the pre-entry stages of the university because they graduate from them are semi-illiterate do not know of scientific things but little.
The performance evaluation system achieves many benefits for the organization and its employees.
1 - Performance evaluation is a fundamental basis for the administrative development of employees through the adoption of the results of the review guide and guidance to approve the programs of administrative development, training and motivation and the distribution of responsibilities and the determination of performance rates.
2 - contributes to the detection of the potential of individuals and untapped in their current work, which helps in the redistribution of burdens and roles.
3 - contributes to the detection of shortcomings in the performance of staff, which helps the administration in the adoption of programs to strengthen these aspects.
4. The evaluation contributes to increasing the employees' sense of responsibility by recognizing that their performance will be the evaluation of the chairpersons. They will make every effort to avoid disciplinary regulations.
5. The evaluation system ensures the continuous supervision and supervision of the staff. The heads are obliged to put their observations on the performance of the employees, which requires monitoring the performance of the employees continuously
Thanks to all of you for your valuable contributions: Amir W. Al-Khafaji, Djaafar Zemali, Azzawi Hadi, Dickson Adom, Ali Alhayany, Azzawi Hadi, Nihada Ahmetovic.
By motivating them, and making sure that they are taught the practical applications of the theory they study. By this way, they will appreciate what they are being taught and it will reflect in their grades.
During academic studies, all students go through a decline in academic performance, but for whatever reasons, they should not be an excuse for your academic fall. All students - even outstanding ones - can sometimes find themselves weak in class performance, and in this case the student feels trapped in a trap, unsure of what to do to improve that situation. If you are going through such a difficult experience, the first step is to identify the reasons for your poor performance, and the next step is to determine how to address the problem.
How do you improve your classroom performance in a few simple steps? Understanding Yourself Taking a Positive Mindset Identifying Delinquent Study Materials Identifying the Reasons That Drop Your Performance Study Speak to Your Teachers Pay More Attention in Classroom and Ask Questions Start Organizing Your Life Utilizing Time Gaps Between Lectures Improve Your Noteing Skills Improve Your Writing Skills Articles Take care of your health Find the best learning style for you Improve your memory Stop procrastination Assign a lot of time to review Make learning more fun Use a special teacher to improve academic performance