How to declare the packet(as a class?); how to program the reception of the packet in each node of the route, and how to compute delay of transmission(how to add time in the program?)?
Suggestion, use any event-driven simulation for implementation of packets transmission form source to destination like OPNET,NS-2,NS-3,OMNET++ or any other network simulator. good luck
I have to ask, why java? Just use NS3, its C++ based and provides you with very nice base classes for network simulation, you can customize the classes as much as you want to suit your scenario. One benefit with NS3 is that most of the code ia based on the actual hardware drivers, so close enough to the final implementation and if you decide to go all the way (to implementation that is), all you will need is the tool-chains and strip down, then compile the code for your targets.
Thanks for your pertinent answers, i am using java as a first fit, but surelly i ll choose a simulator , i want to say to karimkhan if possible to send me his code to compare with and to use it like a mark
Augosto, what i want is to simulate (write the code in java of) the communication step in a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, not client/server application
There are may example how to program WSN in OMNeT++ ,, it is open source with documentation ....most researchers use it ... soon or later will will select one simulator ..
Yes of course, we have to work whith one simulator, but because i have began whith java that s why i want to finish and see my results comparing whith the basic protocol, if it will be positif, then i will implemet it on a simulator
Nassima , Please update your progress too... I haven't worked this using simulator so if you doing this then give me some info. I am trying to learn for w/l simulation using ns2...