Hello researchers, Hello Castalia 3.2 simulator users
I’m a phD student I am a beginner with Castalia 3.2, I work on optimization of RFID systems used in wireless body networks (WBAN). I simulated a WBAN with 10 nodes and one coordinator under Castalia 3.2 using the standard modules of Castalia , just i have defined the necessary parameters (omnetpp.ini) like the example BANtest in Castalia.
Now, i want to know how to on the improve and make a new implementation of the “BaselineBANMAC module (BAN protocol)” and the radio module to find good results for latency, consumed energy and Throughput (Received Packet).
My goal is to know how to implement the BaselineBANmac protocol and to have a source to understand the content of « BaslineMAC module » and « radio module » to make modifications on C++ code of the protocole which is under the MAC module (knowing that Castalia manuel does not contain explanation of C++ code of the file BaseLineBANmac.cc and baseline BANmac.h and the other files).
I will be very grateful if you can help me by a source that I can use to start modification and implementation especially to understand the content of the « Baseline BANmac » written on C++ and to start the improvement and implementation.
Best Regards