LaTeX can cite documents properly, but does not number them in order of their appearance. Rather, it simply numbers them as they are in the BibTex file. Is there an instruction to force numbering by citation order?
Most journals and conferences demand a specific bibliography style (e.g ieeetr, plain, abbrv, acm, etc.). If you want to force numbering by citation order, then use "unsrtnat".
Can thebibliography be sorted by citation order? Or is there a solution with an inlined bibliography that can be sorted?
Not having an additional .bib file would be preferable.
My current bilbiography is inluded in the rest of the article inside a thebibliography block.
\begin{document} \section{Example} The citations in\cite{ne} the bibliography should\cite{flowers} be ordered according which order they appear in the text. \begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{fetebok} \emph{Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals} \bibitem{ne} \emph{Förbränningsmotorer} \bibitem{flowers} \emph{HCCI Research Towards Development for Stationary Power Applications} \end{thebibliography}