Thanks for reply sir. Can u guide me whether I am right in my work? My work is as follows:
I am working on vehicular ad hoc networks. for simulation in NS-3 , i have generated nodes and its positions using Cartesian coordinate system and has not used google maps etc. So will my simulation will be considered ok?
As far as simulation is concerned, I think it's OK. You can investigate your algorithm etc. However, later you can extend this for sake of a real time scenario.
One thing more sir, if I have not considered coordinates from any MAPS etc.... then will my assumption " I have assumed that all vehicles are GPS enabled" will be wrong or correct?
Kindly suggest.
Also sir, I have seen that u have worked on Fuzzy logic. So can u suggest : is it correct to simulate my algorithm on routing based on fuzzy logic in VANETs in MATLAB?
Hello Shilpy. As far your assumption is concerned that's OK. Because GPS coordinates are somewhat identical to Cartesian coordinates except the altitude factor which is negligible in case of vehicular network. So, go on implementation of your technique.
As far as fuzzy system toolbox is concerned, it's a good tool to populate your knowledge in terms of rules in it and selection of appropriate inference engine will make the things even sophisticated. So I think you must go for it.