I have two separates shape files. The first one contains blocks and the second one contains roads with addresses. Which is the suitable method in arcgis in order to find each block from which address is enclosed?
I agree with Muhammad. However, if a block contains two or more roads that may have different addresses you may have to use a majority rule or some other assumption.
Thank you both. The issue is that I have to assign to every block all the road addresses that are surround every block, meaning that let's say: Block 1 is surrounding by a street, by b street, by c street, by d street, Block 2 is surrounding by a street, by b street, by c street, by E street etc. So I want to create a matrix that it will have all this information...
I assume then that roads do not intersect blocks for the previous suggestion to work. Another option could be to convert the road layer to a polygon layer. Then do a spatial join between the roads polygon and the original road layer to get polygons linked to several roads. Next, do a spatial join between block polygons and the output of the previous process. That may work. I you were to assume that roads were within a minimum distance to blocks, a second option could be to find the euclidean distance from each block to all roads. You could then sort these distances in ascending order and use your threshold distances as the cutoff point. The second options probably would work best for large cities but fail within rural areas.
Agreed with Ron. Dear Kleomenis, What is extent of your study area ? If its a small area you can use attribute transfer tool but You need to define either you transfer address of all surrounding roads to one field in Block ? one field for each? If your study area is large then go for Ron suggestion.