I am planing to do Kissinger analysis of a certain glass sample to understand the nature of crystallization in the glass by determining it's Avrami parameter. To do so I must know the FWHM in the DTA curve of the glass, but I don't know how exactly to do this? The graph I get from instrument has a tilted baseline (shown green in the attached pic). By doing baseline correction I can get FWHM of this peak, but I want to know is it the right way to do so, because on the y axis we have heat flow which is an arbitrary unit. On the other hand I can find the FWHM without straightening the baseline and considering the red line in the attached picture as a baseline, but this will give an entirely different value of FWHM, so please can anyone tell me what is the correct way to find FWHM without manipulating or disturbing the raw data? One more thing I would ask here is how to put error bars in the data of any characterization curve which I plotted? I mean, in this case if I have 4-5 DTA experiments with different samples and peak temps, how will I know the error in % to put it on the graph (Picture 2).

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