Preliminary, I'd say also two-way anova. however would be very important to know the aim of the study since a moderation analysis could provide more informative results. best regards
for moderation analysis, if you could use AMOS it would have been good providing that you have a sufficient sample size. In SPSS, however, you could do hierarchical regression analysis to see the interaction effect. Further, if you are interested in examining group differences based on age, you could apply ANOVA.
First, I would treat age as a continuous variable. If you originally collected it as a set of categories, then recode each category to its midpoint (e.g. 20-29 would be 25). Then I would use a pair of regression equations, where you can first test the effect of your two separate predictors, followed by adding their interaction.
If you do find a significant interaction effect, then interpreting it will require attention to fact that you have two continuous variables.