I suppose you have created a fully parametric model of your antenna array. There are two common techniques that come quickly in my mind. First, you have to create a model of an array element and use "Unit cell" boundary conditions. Here you can optimise the radiator's geometry in order to neglect reciprocal influence and other stuff.
Second, you can model your array including all the radiators and the feeding network and somewhat else (e.g. radome). Then you can optimize this model using either S-parameters or Antenna radiation pattern parameters in your goal function. Let's suppose you have to maximize the array's Gain. You need to go to Post-processing -> Result Templates -> Farfield and Antenna properties -> Farfield result -> Directivity, Constant Phi = 0.
You can choose the wanted settings.
Then simulate your array once to get your post-processing results, go to Optimizer... The rest seems easy.