To develop Quality in Higher Educational Institution, first step is to establish the system for quality in your faculty/institution: determining the responsible body (committee/unit/department); the quality team; consultants & expertise developing bylaws; saving an equipped setting. Secondly, develop and implement orientation program to introduce the quality of higher education service and the insinuation as a whole to all internal stakeholders of your educational institution. This is followed by training the quality team and its affiliated taskforce committees. Then start assessing the quality of your institution based on standards of quality of higher education institution. You can adopt the national ones of Egypt. (Visit the website of National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher/NAQAAE. ALSO, please find the attached file). It is developed based on international and nationals standards. This start represents self-study that produces the strengths and weaknesses points in quality of your institution performance. You can enrich this self-study by assessing the opportunities and threats related to your institutions. This step provides the basis for action plan of your institution quality development/enhancement not just one or two years but for 5 years at least as a strategic planning.
You can consult the Spanish system of evaluation and accreditation of the quality of the university institutions.
ANECA carries out its activity (evaluation, certification and accreditation) through different programs:
PEP. Evaluates the CV of the applicants for access to the figures of university professor hired
ACADEMY. Evaluate the CV for access to the bodies of university teaching staff
VERIFY. Evaluate the proposals of the curricula designed in accordance with the European Higher Education Area.
DISPLAY. The Monitor program monitors the official title to verify its correct implementation and results.
ACCREDIT. The ACREDITA program is responsible for the evaluation of official university degrees prior to the renewal of their accreditation in order to check whether their initial projects are being implemented once they are implemented.
INTERNATIONAL STAMPS. Evaluation for obtaining European quality stamps
DOCENTIA Help universities to create evaluation systems for their teaching staff
AUDIT. Guides university centers in the design of internal quality assurance systems.
CNEAI. Evaluates the research activity for the purpose of recognizing the corresponding compensation supplements
It is well known that there are many purposes of quality assessment in HEIs.
Some of them are: - to improve the input, processes and the output of HEIs as well as to inform the stakeholders and the society about the level of accomplishing their goals and
objectives and the position achieved in the education sector.
Moreover, for the purpose of selecting the best approach to appraise the quality of HEIs in developing countries, we must take into account the fact that the selected approach should not be based on ad hoc principles; rather, we have to consider all the above characteristics of assessing the performance of HEIs which, if so done, leads to true and comparable results (Al Sarmi and Al-Hemyari, 2014 a, b&c; Al-Sarmiet al., 2015).
In fact, “the uniformly optimal technique of measurement for any of the HEIs does not exist, i.e. it is not easy to derive or suggest an optimal procedure or global (comprehensive) and impartial or the best dimension’s package of measurement to assess the performance of any of the HEIs for two main reasons; these reasons are: the differences (variety of degrees, programs and specializations) of HEIs and the nature of the HEIs in developing countries” ( ibid).
In order to inform the stakeholders and the society about the HEIs institutional performance, the HEIs have to be focused on performance models, i.e. developing a suitable, applicable and accurate assessment process that is able to measure the overall performance and to know how the HEIs can achieve their mission, goals and objectives and to improve their output.
According to the key conclusions given by many educators/researchers/authors/legislators from different countries and various cultures, and who are working in the field of the quality of HEIs - for example, Fielden and Abercromby (2001), Chevaillier (2003), Francos, (2004), Bunting et al, 2010;Al-Hemyari and Al Sarmi (2015, 2014,2013) and Duque (2014), the ideas and techniques of the issue of accurate and effective measurement of the quality of HEIs and their difficulties were explained in these conclusions; accordingly, they declared that what they had identified was that the accurate and effective measure of the quality of HEIs should be focused on and, furthermore, should be aligned with, their visions, goals or trends and policies, and that it would be a necessity that this be carried out within a contextualization of the issue of quality of HEIs.
Several important approaches were discussed in:
1- Z. A. Al-Hemyari, S. Al Bulushi and A. Al-Humairi (2017). Quality Teaching of Private HEIs: Comparative Study based on Students’ Perceptions and Expectations. Int. J. of Quality and Innovation, 2017, Vol.3, No. 2/3/4 , pp.209-228.(Inderscience).
2- Z. A. Al-Hemyari and A. M. Al-Sarmi (2017). HEIs Quality Improvement Through Students and Academic Staff’s Perception: Data Analysis and Robustness of the Results. International Journal for Quality Research, Vol.11, No.2, pp.261-278(Serbia and Indexed in Elsevier).
3- Z. A. Al-Hemyari and A. M. Al-Sarmi (2017). Al-Farahidi Performative model to assess HEIs. 4th OQNHE Conference 2017, Muscat, pp.1-15.
4- Z. A. Al-Hemyari and A. M. Al-Sarmi (2016). A Framework for Fostering the Quality of HEIs: Data Collection, Evaluation, Indication and Validation. Int. J. of Quality and Innovation, Vol.3, No.1, pp.42-66 (Inderscience)...