I'm synthesizing a PLLA grafted with itaconic anhydride in a rheocord mixer. After the grafting, I would like to determine the concentration of the grafted itaconic anhydride.

I dissolved a grafted PLLA sample in THF and then I carried out an acid–base titration with 0.005 M potassium hydroxide (KOH) in ethanol.

I tried to determine the equivalent point in two different ways at 25°C:

1) by means of phenolphtalein as indicator;

2) by means of a pH-meter (CRISON TitroMatic 1S equipped with an electrode CRISON 52.2) measuring the pH and the conductivity.

In both cases I had problems:

1) I can't appreciate the color changing of the indicator;

2) the system seems to be unstable and both the pH and the conductivity fluctuate.

I guess the problem is related with the solvent (THF) because when I tried to perform a similar titration in a water/ethanol solution the pH-meter gave stable results.

My questions are:

Is there any alternative method to determine the anhydride concentration?

Or is there any solution to let my system be more stable to perform a pH measure?

Best regards,

Francesco Chiacchio

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