Anyone who can provide some advice in determine the extreme cliamte events in ecology when analyse the growth-climate relationship based on denderochronology?
Climate extreme events, hydric as well as thermal anomalies such as droughts, flooding, heat waves, fires, and frost events play an important role for productivity and survival of trees and may cause severe disturbances in various ecosystem functionings , including agro- ecosystems . Please have a look at enclosed PDFs...
Any deviation from its normal value said that climate change. It included all parameters like rains, temp., humidity, BSH, wind etc that have great effect on growth and development of plant. Excess or deficit of thses factors may damage plant. Eventhough, plant has mechanism to adopt under adverse condition by producing HSPs, chaperons, dehydrin protein, LEA protein, these protect plant from abonormal anomalies.
dear sir, Climate studies need number of data, thick ring indicate warm climate but extreme heat waves we cannot predict because the plants cross their optimum temperature that has concern during your study. also u can check O16 and O18 concentration in the plants cells. during warm, the cell wall contains O16 in their chemical composition.