30 January 2020 4 7K Report

I have an Bolted Langevin Transducer, resonating at its half wavelength frequency at around 52kHz, and the impedance measurement at resonance shows a 200ohm, and a -22° phase angle.

I check online, there are quite a number of different configurations of impedance matching circuit design proposals. I took the LC configuration, where the inductance L is place between the electrical source and the live wire of the piezoceramics, the capacitance is place between the output inductance and ground. So the circuit is simply a low-pass filter configuration.

The impedance measurement for the LC circuit + ultrasonic transducer demonstrates a 48ohm, -4° phase at around 51kHz.

However, when I powered up the device, with and without the LC matching circuit, using the same applied voltage input, the device without matching demonstrates an almost double vibration output compared to the device with matching.

Am I doing something incorrect? I thought bringing the impedance down to 50ohm will match to the electrical source output impedance, and an almost 0° will ensure a maximal power transfer?

Looking forward to your feedback!


Xuan Li

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