Hi everyone,
I am going to design a gdsii layout for a PhC device consisting of a modified W1 waveguide and a L3 cavity. I use freeware packages like KLayout and CNST Nanolithography toolbox.
Although, CNST has predefined layout for PhC and PhC waveguide, but it does not have a layout for PhC cavities.
Therefore, after designing the PhC layout, I did not have any choice except flattening the cell in order to be able to define the L3 cavity and modify the W1 waveguide.
However, the size of files increased a lot and if I want to define different structures in a file, the size of the file will increase a lot and the EBL software may encounter a problem.
I was wondering if someone has experiences regarding designing this type of structures to help me out?
Also I would like to know if the approach that I applied whether is correct or not?
Thank you in advance.