I’m defining a number system where numbers form a polynomial ring with cyclic convolution as multiplication.

My DSP math is a bit rusty so I’m asking when does inverse circular convolution exist? You can easily calculate it using FFT but I’m uncertain when does it exist? I would like to have a full number system where each number only has a single well defined inverse. Another part of my problem is derivation. Let c be number in my number system C[X] where coefficients are complex numbers. Linear functions can be derivated easily but I’m struggling to minimize mean squared error (i = 0..degree(C[X]), s_i(c) selects i:th coefficient of the number, s_i(x): C[x]->C):

error(W) = Exy{sum(i)(0.5|s_i(Wx - y)|^2)}

I can solve problem in case of complex numbers W E C but not in case of W E C[X] where multiplication is circular convolution. In practice my linear neural network code diverges to infinity when I try to minimize squared error.

Pointing any online materials that would help would be great.

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