OSCEs can be used most effectively in nurse undergraduate curricula to assess safe practice in terms of performance of psychomotor skills, as well as the knowledge associated with their application. OSCE requires each student to demonstrate specific skills and behaviors in a simulated work environment with standardized patients. It typically consists of a circuit or series of short assessment tasks (stations), each of which is assessed by an examiner using a predetermined, objective. each station taking approximately five minutes to complete. OSCA single station integrates many areas such as communication skills, observation and recording of vital signs, assistance with personal hygiene, movement from bed to chair, observations, and reporting of wound status.
I think, the first thing to be done in order to construct a valid and reliable OSCE , is to do blue printing against the objectives or expected outcomes according to the type of curriculum you are using. So as to be well searching exam covering most of the syllabus and testing a wide range of competencies.
OSCE has till now been used in medical as well as nursing fields, but we plan to set up OSCE stations for dental undergraduate trainings. Only problem is that when we consider simulated patients to be included, we have procedures to assessed on the patient which is not possible since 50 students cannot perform the same procedure on one patient. And if we plan to do it on mock set up not involving patients, then doctor patient comfort, their variability cannot be tested. kIndly help
You can combine the mock set up with the standardized patients in one station. For example the students can take history and give information to the patients and then go on with the procedures on the mannikins.
Thank you for your suggestion. We tried a similar thing last week in the dept. The only problem we faced was how to simulate patient doctor comfort while execution of a dental procedure . For eg. while taking dental impressions, patients feel a lot of gag sometimes, which the operator has to access on the spot and take measures and instruct the patient to prevent. kindly give suggestions regarding it.