I am working with MJ m^-2 as absorbed dose in the 200nm - 400nm. Specifically, 634 MJ m^-2 in 540 days (on the ISS, low earth orbit), that I converted in Irradiance as 13.5 W m^-2.
Then, I thought to use the following formula to get photon flux [photons m^-2 s^-1]:
PF= Irradiance * λ * 5.03 * 10^15
where 5.03*10^15 = (10^(-9)) / (1.988 * 10^-25)
where (1.988 * 10^-25) is Planck constant * light velocity
Now how to proceed?
-> should I calculate the Total PF = Irradiance * 5.03 * 10^15 * (λ200 + λ201 + ... + λ400) ?
In this case I would get TotalPF = 4.12 * 10^21 photons m^-2 s^-1
-> should I calculate the Total PF = Irradiance * 5.03 * 10^15 * (λ300) ? Where λ300 is the "best" average lambda between 200 and 400, TotalPF = 2.05 * 10^19 photons m^-2 s^-1
-> since the solar spectrum between 200 nm and 400 nm is rising toward the ~500 nm peak, how can I proceed to get the PF in that range starting with the irradiance value and without a solar spectrum to integrate (referable to that specific irradiance value)?
Thanks in advance,