Respected All,

I need to compute in MATLAB both the Lyapunov exponents for 2D discrete-chaotic Logistics map defined as:

x(n+1)=r*(3*y(n)+1)*x(n)*(1-x(n)); y(n+1)=r*(3*x(n)+1)*y(n)*(1-y(n));

where, r = 0.4: 0.01: 1.2

I am comfortable with computing the LE for any 1D discrete chaotic map like 1D logistic map with that differentiation method. But, I am confused for its 2D version. Is there any method of computing its two LEs using its generated two time series ( for x-series and y-series)? or How that differentiation method be extended for this 2D version?

Please help and provide the sample matlab code (for any discrete 2D chaotic map) if anyone is having it. I shall be highly thankful for the kind help and guidance.



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