I've been getting troubles to calculate some Optimization process,

I'm studying with the book [Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods]

and try solving Example '3.3' Transition State Optimization

H3CO --> H2COH  reaction


#T UHF/6-31G(d) Opt=QST2

0 2

H3CO structure,

and add job

H2COH sturcture

but It makes error that says founded specifiction structure..

So I try to calculating H3CO Job type : Opt_TS(Berny) with Gaussian view

and that makes 9999 Error,

I Put in there

# UHF/6-31G(d) Opt(Ts, CalcFC or Calcall)

0 2

H3CO structure

So, I corret my route section adding calcfc or calcall

That also make same error...

How can I progress?

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