Hi all, I'm sharing my hypothesis which I've calculated via PLS-SEM. However I don't know how to get the value for H6, Can someone please help me. Kindly suggest any reference work that I can refer to.

H1: Performance Expectancy has a significance influence on Learner’s Intention to use the LMS.

H2: Effort Expectancy has a significance influence on Learner’s Intention to use the LMS.

H3: Social Influence has a significance influence on Learner’s Intention to use the LMS.

H4: Facilitating Condition has a significance influence on Learner’s Intention to use the LMS.

H5: Training has a significance influence on Learner’s Intention to use the LMS.

H6: The combined impact of Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influences (SI), Facilitating Condition (FC) and Training (TR) has a significance influence on the Learner’s Intention to use the LMS.

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