In semiconductors, carrier concentration strongly depends on the position of Fermi level from conduction band or valence band depending upon the majority charge carriers- electrons or holes. In case of intrinsic semiconductors, it is almost in the middle of the band gap. In this case only carrier concentration can be calculated from the standard equation of carrier concentration with temperature if the effective mass of charge carrier and band gap is known. However, if Fermi level is not in the middle then such calculation can not be made. Fermi level in semiconductors moves away from the middle in many situation, e.g , doping, at high fields, presence of light etc. even if the band gap remains same. Since concentration of charge carriers depends on the position of Fermi level, calculations can not be made even if the band gap is known.
You can find a Hall Effect theoretical procedure in this file, specifically in section 3-applications. In this document is about the use a electronic-card, but you can do this manually.