I am using Gaussian09 to run a structure minimisation on a molecular system that is radical cationic using the composite method ROCBS-4M. The input structure has already been optimised at UB3LYP/6-31G* level. After two normal terminations, the ROCBS-4M has a convergence failure at step 3 doing the following Job:

Link1:  Proceeding to internal job step number  3.


#N Geom=AllCheck Guess=TCheck SCRF=Check MP4SDQ/6-31G


I have tried using the end structure of this ROCBS-4M for a rerunning of structure minimisation using same composite method but getting the same convergence error. how can i change the input route to ensure that I only change the convergence criteria at step  3, since these are predefined calculations?

Any suggestions are welcome and thank you for your attention!

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