Hello all,
I am performing a modal analysis of human organs in LS-Dyna using implicit solver. The d3eig and eigout files have been computed by LS-Dyna implicit solver, which contains the results of natural frequencies (Eigen values) and mode shapes (Eigen Vectors).
I am currently analyzing the additional factors such as modal participation factors and effective masses in all the directions that governs the mode shapes. I am interpreting the modal participation factors for each modes to determine the significance of the modes. Also, effective masses in translational and rotational directions for respective modes. It has been observed that effective masses in rotational directions are zero, with only translational masses showing noticeable values. Can anyone provide some valuable insights on analysing the relevant modes based on modal participation factor and effective mass summary and contribution of rotational effective mass based on EIGOUT file? I have attached some screenshots from EIGOUT file about modal participation factors and effective mass.
Any assistance in this regard would be highly appreciated.
Vaibhav Kulkarni.