09 September 2019 9 565 Report

I am trying to estimate measurement time-window(TW) for the spatio-temporal ERP. Briefly, I have two series of the time windows for 20 subjects (i.e. first series are is estimated TWs and second series is actual TWs ). I want to know whether these two series of TWs are similar or not? (I am looking for the not significant difference which is my target)

Currently, the estimated series of TWs are close to the actual TWs (i.e. for example in start point (time sample for the start) the standard deviation error, SD= 2ms, max pair difference =4ms min pair difference=0ms). However, trying repeated ANOVA, T-test and also nonparametric tests such as; U-test methods indicates a significant difference between the two series. Does anyone know other tests to show those two series of results are similar or not?

Sampling rate=428Hz, epoche (-100 to 600ms)

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