Initially, your data had many problems related to its structure. Therefore, I've fixed that structure and attached the data back here in an ARFF format.
Note that your data (attached here) are now able to be uploaded into WEKA without any issues, but you still need to fix the existing problems related to the content itself before going further with the analysis.
Launch the Weka Explorer to Explorer "Click the button.
This GUI lets you load datasets and run taxonomy algorithms. It also provides other features like data filtering, clustering, association rule extraction, and visualization, but we're not currently using these features.
To open the dataset "Open Data "Click on the button and Data "Double-click on the directory.
Weka provides several small general machine learning datasets that you can use to practice.
To load the iris dataset Select the "Iris. Arff " file.
Now that you've loaded a dataset, it's time to choose machine learning algorithms to model the problem and make predictions.
"Classify "Click the tab. This is the field of running algorithms against a full dataset in Weka.
You'll notice that The "Zeror " algorithm is selected by default.
Appreciate your input, but sorry to say that your contribution is not really helpful. Your are not answering the question, you are doing something else. Please let's provide useful straightforward answers.
If you have copied data from another file using Conrol+A, Control+C and control+V, you copied extra columns. if you open csv file in Nodepad you will see comma in the end of each row. you got this error because of the comma in the end of each row.
To avoid this error, press Control and select columns one by one then Control+C now copy it to new File which you will use in weka. or you can use another method to avoid comma in the end of each row.
For a .CSV or .SEQ file it showed same error for me. I resolved it by converting it to .arff first. I wrote following R code for converting it to .arff mydata=read.csv("train.csv",header=TRUE) library("foreign") write.arff(x =mydata ,file= "train.arff") Now its readable in weka.
Samer Sarsam : I think this straightforward answers compare to your answer also.