Many scientist talking about speed breeding and other term like quick breeding like that term for development of parental line or development of a promising variety. I want to know the succes rate ant procedure to get success through this technique.
Modern breeding programs are using rapid generation advancement (RGA) to speed up breeding, in RGA you can advance generations F1 to F5-6 in 2 years for crops like rice, wheat etc. the success remains similar to the conventional approach. for RGA you can use anything that can grow plants in very limited soil volume.
Speed breeding helps to get rapid growth and advanced generations. It can be achieved in numerous ways like extending the duration of plants' daily exposure to light, combined with early seed harvest, to cycle quickly from seed to seed, thereby reducing the generation times for some long-day or day-neutral crops. you can also try Suttle breeding. Check the paper, I hope it might help.
Article Speed breeding in growth chambers and glasshouses for crop b...
Please go through the suggested review article as besides accelerating the crop growth cycle/generations under artificially created favourable environments, it can be done through using embryo culture and even clubbing of both can make it super-duper speed breeding.
Accelerated Generation of Selfed Pure Line Plants for Gene Identification and Crop Breeding
A procedure allowing up to eight generations of wheat and nine generations of barley per annum
In speed breeding you can advance the generation in a short period.instead of growing two times in a year you can grow the crop in 3-4 times in a year .But it depends on photosensitive as well as photo insensitive crop.
Speed breeding allows many successive generation in a year. Please suggest If any recent research findings to develop new strain or variety. It can be possible only in control conditions.
Speed breeding is the necessity for generation advance and development of new desirable strain. Many scientists are working with speed breeding due to its importance to develop resistance varieties.