If you only have half a dozen references, it does not take long to cut and paste them by hand.
Otherwise, you can use Qiqqa to store your pdfs and their references, then run Qiqqa's Incite using your selected Style sheet with no numbers to output your paper including all referencing and references.
You can do this in many different ways. I am answering this question by assuming that you know how to use bibtex to manage references in latex. For my thesis, I used a style file called 'cardiff.bst' and my references were in the file named 'bibliography.bib'. To get the references in alphabetical order in author, year format, I used \usepackage[round,sort]{natbib} in the preamble. And at the end of the latex document I used \bibliographystyle{cardiff}
\bibliography{bibliography}. This gives me the properly formatted reference. For example:
Joshi, A., Vestal, S. and Binns, P. 2007. Automatic Generation of Static Fault Trees from
AADL Models. In: DSN Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems.
Kabir, S., Walker, M. and Papadopoulos, Y. 2015. Quantitative evaluation of Pandora temporal fault trees via petri nets. IFAC-PapersOnLine 48(21), pp. 458–463.