In literature, scientists have used 10 Hz and 10 mV for frequency and for amplitude respectively. Is there any other reason as to why we specifically select those values other than to maintain the pseudo linearity of the system?
Amplitude, or, magnitude creates heat proportional to the current squared and the resistance. We can measure this in the real domain. I haven't seen components that measure it in the imaginary domain, but I imagine there would be ways to do this with the inverse relationship between capacitance and inductance. If it also follows Lenz's law, it will deteriorate with higher frequencies and higher amplitudes on a capacitance per frequency or capacitance per amplitude level. I'd imagine it would follow a square inside of a square root function (following Einstein, or a recursive set of this function if you follow the Arc-Length formula and take the limit of precision). Higher frequencies and higher amplitudes both carry more energy. The more energy you carry, the more entropy, or friction, or loss occurs in the transformation, but you're still putting in more energy, it's just getting taxed on static and other non-Fourier-domain effects like balls (spherical domain) and auras (surface domain) and co-frequency effects (produces a 'king-tide' effect).
10 Hz and 10 mV are good numbers because between 0-60 Hz is moderately dangerous and 60+ is less dangerous while 10 mV at that level is about the touch-shock intensity. It's for occupational health and safety reasons.