10 October 2015 4 5K Report

It's pretty easy to find the "working principle" of surface capacitive touchscreen like this one from elotouch: http://www.elotouch.com/Technologies/SurfaceCapacitive/howitworks.asp.

Roughly speaking, I know that

  • A surface capacitive touchscreen has a conductive layer to which some electrodes are attached
  • The electrodes apply voltage across the layer
  • When some conductive material, e.g. finger touches the layer a portion of current is drawn yielding numbers' changes in the sensors attached to the electrodes
  • According to the numbers read from sensors, one calculates the touch location

Here're the questions:

  • Should the electrodes apply DC or AC signals to the layer?
  • How is the "conductive layer" modeled, i.e. is it regarded as a 2D conductive plane ? Or is it regarded as a 3D conductive block? In either case, how to calculate or approximately guess the charge/voltage/current distribution when the layer is idle/touched?
  • What are proper sensors to attach to the electrodes, e.g. voltage metres or current metres or sth else? Why?
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