How does one gauge sincerity to a cause against mere self-righteousness? Why? My answer: One gauges sincerity to a cause against mere self-righteousness by discerning the observed‘s adherence to reciprocity, harm avoidance, the golden rule(treating others as the treater wants to be treated), the silver rule(NOT treating others as the treater does NOT want to be treated), tradition(what led previous generations to survive and to be anti-fragile), risk analysis(everyone analyzes risks because NO human has complete information to act on), symmetry, empathy, common sense(evolutionary set instincts), human dignity and skin in the game(those paying a more immediate price for the consequence have the greater right to opine as goes with reciprocity and harm avoidance). Plus admitting all humans have the impulses to commit unethical acts and anyone claiming otherwise is disingenuous because no act is completely selfless nor completely selfish. Which consistently leads to an open society with negative utilitarianism(reduce suffering as much as possible without violating before mentioned risk analysis, reciprocity and skin in the game due to desired societal anti fragility).