There seems be certain relationship between governance and development/environment especially in Africa. Those countries with good political policies have maintained good environment. Is this true, especially in Africa?
Dear Taratisio, I do not have a definite answer to your question, but I guess you are after some measurable result. I would start digging in the World Development Indicators database of the World Bank, which is accessible on their website and can be downloaded to your computer e.g. in excel format. There should be several governance, economy and environment related indicators which you make regressions on. I might start looking at the whole world before turning to Africa only. I guess you may also find some answers from WB working papers and other publications. My take is that improved governance should make public sector more efficient and thus provide better targeted services with less cost. The effects of improved governance can be simulated with economy-wide CGE models, for example. The World Bank MAMS model is one of the widely used models for this purpose. The Australian CoPs models are another good alternative. Both have been used for African countries.
Dear Taratisio, if you specifically interested in Kenyan CGE analysis, I can tell you that MAMS model has been used for Kenya as well. The guy you might want to contact is Dr. Jörgen Levin of Örebro university in Sweden.
Your question is regarding governance/politics affect development and environment. There is cycle of Government type ----> Policies------> System of implementation of policies -----> followup system. This can be one model which may be tasted with any developed model/successful model. This way "affects" can analyzed through certain methods such as quantitative or qualitative etc. If it is helpful please inform, thanks.