Conservation tillage can improve soil physical structure and water storage, protect moisture, and increase crop yield. However, the long-term adoption of a single tillage method may have some adverse effects on soil and ecological environment, although crop yields have increased. The Conservation tillage increased dissolved organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon light and heavy fractions of carbon in soils at both the depths. Conservation tillage improves soil aggregate stability that enhances nutrient retention and reduces soil erosion thereby contributing to soil fertility and mediates air permeability, water infiltration, and nutrient cycling. Along with reducing erosion, conservation tillage systems improve infiltration. Compaction reduces infiltration and, inevitably, restricts water flow to the root zone. The compaction caused by rainfall can be minimized by plant residue on the soil surface. Tillage is one of the major practices that reduce the organic matter level in the soil. Each time the soil is tilled, it is aerated. As the decomposition of organic matter and the liberation of C are aerobic processes, the oxygen stimulates or speeds up the action of soil microbes, which feed on organic matter. Reducing soil tillage intensity presents many benefits, challenges and some required changes to your field operations. Benefits include: Reduced soil erosion, fuel use, time and labor.
@ RK, conservation tillage decreases the exposure of soil organic matter in the profile which helps to reduce the organic matter oxidation. That way it helps to increase in both light and heavy fractions of carbon in the soil profile. A number of reports has shown that it helps to increase in microbial biomass carbon and dissolved organic carbon in the soil.
Tillage can cause the loss of significant amounts of carbon immediately after tillage. The exposure of soil organic carbon to aeration during soil erosion increases CO2 emissions. In addition, soil erosion can cause carbon to accumulate with soil sediments and be removed from the soil carbon pool. Tillage loosens the soil, increasing the exposure of soil organic matter and hence speeding oxidization and tillage reduced soil organic matter content with a consequent release of CO2 into the atmosphere. Tillage system intensity plays a significant role in determining soil organic matter by affecting both soil disturbance and surface residue. Soil aeration oxidizes soil organic matter causing carbon loss as carbon dioxide. The Conservation tillage increased dissolved organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon light and heavy fractions of carbon in soils at both the depths. Conservation tillage improves soil aggregate stability that enhances nutrient retention and reduces soil erosion thereby contributing to soil fertility and mediates air permeability, water infiltration, and nutrient cycling.
Conservation tillage is aim at conserving or preventing soil particles movement as to avoid erosion. where zero tillage is practice,there bound be low organic matter in the soil as result bring about low soil organic carbon.