Conventional tillage is converted to conservation tillage, both CO2 emission from soil and N-uptake by crops are reduced. Reduction in CO2 emission from soils enhances soil organic carbon (SOC) content, but reduction in N-uptake decreases residue production and hence, organic C storage in soils. Conservation tillage improves soil aggregate stability that enhances nutrient retention and reduces soil erosion thereby contributing to soil fertility and mediates air permeability, water infiltration, and nutrient cycling. Soil temperature is often a significant factor, especially in agriculture and land treatment of organic wastes, because growth of biological systems is closely controlled by soil temperature. In addition, soil temperature influences the physical, chemical, and microbiological processes that take place in soil. Tillage system intensity plays a significant role in determining soil organic matter by affecting both soil disturbance and surface residue. Soil aeration oxidizes soil organic matter causing carbon loss as carbon dioxide. These include a decrease in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions, less reliance on farm machinery and equipment, and an overall reduction in fuel and labor costs. In addition, conservation tillage methods have been shown to improve soil health, reduce runoff, and limit the extent of erosion.
Tillage generally decreases soil carbon sequestration (SCS) due to the decomposition of elevated carbon (C). In addition, it may enhance/lessen carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Tillage generally decreases soil carbon sequestration (SCS) due to the decomposition of elevated carbon (C). In addition, it may enhance/lessen carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Tillage is an important agricultural practice to manage crop residues, control weeds, and prepare the soil for planting, among others. However, the use of tillage can stimulate loss of soil organic carbon (C) to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon is sequestered in soil by plants through photosynthesis and can be stored as soil organic carbon (SOC). Agro ecosystems can degrade and deplete the SOC levels but this carbon deficit opens up the opportunity to store carbon through new land management practices. Soil can also store carbon as carbonates. Soil temperature is often a significant factor, especially in agriculture and land treatment of organic wastes, because growth of biological systems is closely controlled by soil temperature. In addition, soil temperature influences the physical, chemical, and microbiological processes that take place in soil. Soil temperature is an important plant growth factor like air, water and nutrients. Soil temperature affects plant growth directly and indirectly. Specific crops are adapted to specific soil temperatures. As Apple grows well when the soil temperature is about 18°C, maize 25°C, potato 16 to 21°C, and so on.