I have existing patents listed but cannot see how to add more
Hi there! I regularly receive suggestion about papers and authors that are totally out of my area. Does anybody know how I can fix this? Thank you!
01 March 2021 9,574 4 View
As a former management practitioner, I recall a generally accepted view that changing organisational culture is difficult, so you should only attempt it if the organisational change that you are...
27 February 2021 2,595 8 View
we are co-authors of several publications. But I am the only and single author of most of my publications which are based on my own research. How can I separate the profiles?
21 February 2021 4,582 3 View
Hello, I have read in a few publications that to extract total DNA from sputum samples, both bead beating and enzymes are used to disrupt the cells. Bead beating is supposed to be efficient in...
18 February 2021 3,360 2 View
In some publications you refer Deivid Chica (with Barranco) but the true first name is Maria Dolores Chica , in spanish Ma. Dolores Chica. Before I answer yes is an author Deivid Chica, but...
18 February 2021 5,004 3 View
I would like to create a new variable using 4 different measures: hIndex (range: 1-47), # of publications (range: 0-111), and 2 other measures (range: 1-7). I changed all of these variables into...
09 February 2021 4,866 3 View
Dear Scientists I want to a person to guide me how to write a good patent.
08 February 2021 3,297 5 View
I want to conduct a Systematic Review and assess the quality of methods used/proposed by researchers. I found out that scientists often utilize QUADAS for that...
05 February 2021 8,743 5 View
How do Research Gate proceed to integrate in the reference data for publications and citations the recently published journals - for instance for the last months of 2020 and for instance Intl J...
02 February 2021 9,336 7 View
I have two publications one listed in the web of science master list " European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences " ISSN: 1805-3602 and Second " Journal of Managerial Sciences"...
26 January 2021 7,158 7 View