The Hulu production ‘Harlots’ highlights how during the 18th Century, aristocrats would often disregard the law (which they implemented and had enforced on their subjects) in their lust for power by abducting young maids and then would have their way with them such that the rape culminated in the death of the women all for some seconds of orgasmic pleasure. “This is fiction!!!”, you say. If you consider what has been happening at the House of Windsor over the last century you might be more credulous. Here we have a case of a young Princess Diana deceived into marriage so that the Royals could continue their bloodline. The princess, often confined to her bed-chamber (once she gave birth to the children), eventually had a mental breakdown that led to her death all while her prince charming committed repeated infidelity. In a like manner, we have another Royal, Prince Andrew, the much beloved son of Queen Elizabeth, caught with has ‘pants-down’ fraternizing with pubescent girls in the company of the late Jeffry Epstein who as an insurance policy against anyone who planned to report on his illicit operations on his Island of Pedophilia, video-taped all the rich and famous who indulged in those activities with him. What all these stores have in common is having unlimited funds to support an unchecked lifestyle.

Now to Donald Trump. If you look at the history of this man, he employed his vast sums of money (presently estimated to be around 2.4 billion dollars by Bloomberg News) to commission a bevy of lawyers to succeed at victimizing individuals who cannot come up with a comparable sum of money to win in court. He picks his victims strategically. When he was accused of raping an underaged girl with Jeffry Epstein in the state of New York in 1994, the girl—later as an adult and apparently of modest means—never put forth an effective prosecution in 2016 (Case 1:16-cv-07673-RA). In a like manner when Trump refused to pay individuals for the construction of Trump Tower in New York or for the running of his businesses most did not have the means to fight him in court (US Today June 9, 2016). Trump has a long history of using the American court system to his advantage, knowing that by simply pushing more money, a rich person often overcomes the defenses of a poor person. Even when he loses in court, as he did for running a fake ‘Trump University’, he has the means to manipulate the media such that his followers concluded that he is indeed a master deal maker as underscored in ‘The Art of the Deal’ and promoted in the TV series ‘The Apprentice’ which propelled him to the presidency.

The methods used by Donald Trump to corrupt the results of the 2020 election is much in keeping with the forgoing precedent: use the court system even when the chips are down since in the end—even if defeated—one will have the opportunity to contaminate the minds of the entourage, which now number in the tens of millions and which includes prominent Congressmen, that the 2020 election was stolen, a distortion of fact that will then be used to pave the way to the next deception, which always seems to replenish his bank account. So far, Trump’s followers have contributed over 170 million dollars to his ‘election fraud’ scam. The only way to end this contemptible behavior is to put him away much like what has been done with Al Capone, Anthony Salerno, Ivan Boesky, El Chapo, and if he had not taken his own life, Trump’s partner in crime Jeffry Epstein.

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