How do we cancel based on movements, the distortion, the flexural behavior, the blatant failure, in particular critical member areas of the reinforced concrete and how we can improve their shear resistance;

Answer. By limiting the walls displacements responsible for all the above tensions.

Question. How do we manage do that? Answer . By joining their upper ends with the ground.

Question. How can we improve their shear resistance; Answer . By imposing compression in cross sections in the context of overlapping.

The embedding of the nodes of the maximum level with the ground limits displacements responsible for all growing tensions

Question. Where? upward tensions of the walls are driven developed from bending and tipping torque? Answer . Received by the mechanism of the invention from the roof and diverted driven (by the tendon which passes freely the wall through a pipe ) in the ground, removing these tensions from the members of the reinforced concrete.

Question. What tensions are being applied on the wall with this reinforcement method; Answer . Only compressive tensions at the ends, above, and below. Tension stresses they do not exist anymore because it is receives by the free tendon and sends them into the ground. This is the reason that the tendon passes freely the walls through a pipe.

Question. How does the embedding of anchoring manage to undertake upward and downward tensions? Answer . The mechanism is so constructed to convert the transverse traction in pressure to the slopes of the drilling where it is mounted. This pressure increases adhesion ensuring a strong anchorage on the drilling slopes capable of taking upward tensions. Maintaining this intensity we fill the borehole with concrete to create a concrete pile to receive and downward tensions. It is initially applied between the foundation surface and the anchoring mechanism so, to apply strong consolidation without burdening the construction with large loads. After ensuring a strong consolidation in the ground we have the ability to apply a second lower intensity on the roof to improve shear strength of the wall.

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