I am trying to gather enough information to see if I can create an innovation template. I hope to create a kind of game/exercise to use in any organization to help eliminate problems that can be solved with innovative/creative thinking.
I spent almost two decades on academic and consulting in industrial innovations/inventions.
In most cases successful industrial inventors do not think in a special way, they act in a special way endlessly trying to changes the things around, especially the already accepted plans, budgets, process manuals, authority areas etc.
So, to create a game/exercise to be used in ANY organization is a waste of time. Innovative/creative thinking usually creates more problems for an organization and is used only in cases of extreme necessity. You can design special games/exercises to deal with the most common problems (high personnel turnover and low employees' commitment, lack of working capital or late payments, insufficient customer loyalty etc.) is an innovative manner. For the set of such exercises look at "Encyclopedia of Icebreakers" (the link is enclosed).