Both cash and food crop as well as animal products produced in country like India serve as industrial raw materials. The industrial demand for these agricultural products stimulate agricultural development. It push farmers to embark in massive agricultural production, improve income generation, rise in standard of living, better health care and rural development.
Agro industries are majorly involved in seed multiplication and distribution. All the inventions meet the market through these industries. Many farmers still rely on old varities and not enthusiastically cultivating the newly developed ones. There're plenty of research addressing different problems of crops but to bring them to a farmers land could take two ways , either through government subsidies or through agro industries. Even the research carried out by these industries are providing scope for a sound competition with the research institutions. Thus, these private sectors are a requisite for betterment of Agriculture.
Actually Industries and agriculture are interdependent. Both depend on each other. The lack of Industries will put a negative impact on Agriculture while without agriculture the establishments of Industries are impossible. Thus, industries have a great role in the encouragement of development of Agriculture. Agriculture is a source of raw materials and labor for many industries. It also provides food for workers in the industrial sectors. It can also provide funds for the industrial sector. Industries support the agricultural sector by developing and delivering better quality seeds, pesticides, and irrigation systems. The manufacturing industries provide a market for agricultural produce by processing, packaging, and transporting it to different parts of the world. This helps the farmers to get a fair price for their produce and also ensures the availability of food for the consumers. “Squeezing” from fields as much as possible causes soil depletion and erosion. So, strong industrial agriculture practices make lands weaker as they significantly interfere with natural soil processes. Agricultural production needs producers goods from industry. Industrial production needs raw materials produced by the agricultural sector. There is therefore, a clear-cut interdependence between agriculture and industry. The agro-industries have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity. It provides irrigation pumps, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, plastic and PYC pipes, machines and tools, etc. to the farmers. The farmers can produce more and more. Industries help in transporting the goods produced. Agro-based industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity and industry has contributed to agriculture by using the implements like irrigation pumps, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, plastic and PVC pipes, ' machines tools sprinkles, drip irrigation systems etc.