11 November 2015 5 6K Report

In most paper, they mention that the transitions at K and K' valley are coupled with left and right circularly polarized light respectively. I also saw that the conduction band in MoS2 mainly comes from dz2 = Y20 orbital. And the valence band mainly comes from (dx2-y2 + idxy) =Y22 and (dx2-y2 - idxy) = Y2-2 orbitals for K and K' valley respectively. 

I try to calculate the transition matrix using electric dipole operator. And I got zero. Here is what I did:

The transition matrix element between the conduction band and the valence band in K valley is:

I use x+/-iy as the dipole operator D. And x is proportional to Y11, y is proportional to Y1-1. 

Since = 0 and = 0, the transition matrix element is zero. 

I suspect the problem might come from

1. I shouldn't use Y22 and Y20 as the final and initial state?

2. I shouldn't use x+/-iy as the transition operator? I saw in PRL 108,196902, the operator they use is 1/h_bar*dH/dk. I don't understand this.


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