01 January 2020 5 8K Report

Hi. I want to do simulate via gromacs for ligand- protein complex which there is 9 ligands (three of them are seperated and six of them are connected together(picture in Add files).

when I used prodrg like gromacs tutorial (GROMACS version in the 4.5.x or 4.6.x series.)

itp file for my ligands just had 35 atoms with polar and aromatic hydrogens but in the original pdb file of ligands that I grep from protein pdb (1gyc)there are 126 atomes without hydrogens), so I doubt in accuracy this method for many ligands.

and also I tried to get an itp file from ATB , an error recorded (Found infinite path length because the graph is not connected. Only single, complete molecules can be processed.)

furthermore I tried to use CGenFF, but in step of adding ion i encountered many errors like this

ERROR 1 [file nag.prm, line 31]:

Encountered a second block of parameters for dihedral type 9 for the same atoms, with either different parameters and/or the first block has multiple lines. This is not supported.

all of the 5 ERRORS were similar for ligang.prm file.

can any one guide me how I troubleshoot this problem.?

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