Hi Rajesh, if you have a cured laminated made from your material then cut the laminate and polish the edge of the sample. now if you observe through a microscope at 25X or better 100X then you will be able to see the fiber planes. but you have to be careful as to your woven ply as it will show two different orientations ( dependent on how you have chosen to cut the laminate.
If on the other hand you just have a woven jute fabric then just use two 25 mm dia plates of known thickness and then place the fabric between the plates and use a vernier caliper to derive the thickness.
Standard work practice is to make laminate using your material and interesting method of fabrication (wet lay-up ,infusion etc) using approx number of layers eg. If you have to make 8milimeter thic you should use 10 layers and to measer after curing